Setup – Email Configuration Server Side Synchronizatoin- In earlier version of dynamics CRM, email routers are required to install with Outlook to track emails. Using server side synchronization eliminates need of email router. Microsoft Dynamics CRM now have a level of integration with exchange server.
Configuring Server-side Synchronization
- To configure use following steps:Navigate to Settings >> Email configuration >> Select a Server Side Profiles to create a profile. Then select Email Server Profiles

- Click New button to create new server profile and select exchange. Based on your email server you can select any of there.

- In most of case Exchange Online server is used with CRM. I selected that.

- To Activate data encryption go to Navigate >> Data Encryption and select data encryption option.

- Click Activate to enable data encryption. The new server profile page will opens, allow you to enter information for Exchange server. If you are using Dynamics CRM without any secrure socket layer. You will get error message which privent you to setup username and password. You can change authentication to integrated windows authentication or change AllowCrenditalsEntityViaNonSecureChannels in database.
- After providing input values like Name, save it. Now Test and Enable Mainlbox button appears in ribbon and it set as default.
Now it is in ready state to specify credentials for Exchange server. You can select any of these options form Authenticate option set.
- Credentials Specified by User or Queue – As per name if you want to use credentials by user or queue, select this option.
- Credentials Specified in Email server – To use credentials specified in email user, select this one. But one important point needs to care in this case is credentials must have impersonation rights on Exchange.
- Integrated Windows Authentication – This is same as CRM asynchronous service is configured with. And only applicable in case of Exchange and SMTP servers.
- Without Credentials – This is not a valid option when working with Exchange server.
Now you can setup mail box. Navigate to Mailboxes >> Active Mailboxes. By default you can see all created user in CRM system.

Select Mailbox which we need to update. By default, Incoming Emails, Outgoing Emails and Appointment, Contacts, and Tasks fields are set to Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook.

- Change settings for the Incoming Emails and Outgoing Emails, and Appointment, Contacts, Tasks fields to Service Side Synchronization or Email Router. Because you will select server side synchronization, you are prompted to specify credentials. If you select CRM for Outlook or Integrated Windows Authentication, no credentials required.
- Provide credentials and save. And click on Test and Enable mailbox for testing.