Sales Automation || 4 Important Sales Automation Strategies || Develop Powerful Sales Team
When I started my business, I worked like a superman. If any project was coming I jumped into it for conversion. But slowly this habit converted into compulsion. This is what happens with most small and medium businesses.
As a business owner I can feel the pain of a small business, no matter how good your sales team is but most deals only get converted when business owners are involved in it. That sets a sales limitation for your organisation.
There is no debate about how important sales is for your business. No sale no business, it’s so straight. But at the same time it is hard to find an ideal salesperson for your business.
But now it is not so hard because technology has reached a level where you can set up the right system and let the team follow it step by step and it’s called Sales Automation.
I am going to reveal 4 strategies which any business needs to set up for a powerful sales team and processes in their business.
Customer Journey –
The first change you need to make in your business is to list down all steps which are involved right from the first step to sale. This is called customer journey in digital terms.
For example in any business once a customer comes on your website and takes interest in product/services. And sharing details with your business, it means that customers are in need.
Once your business acquired customer contact details, standard processes of customer journey are:
- Inquire customer needs.
- Educate them about your solution.
- Suggest right product and services.
- Handle objections till customer no to customer yes.
- Share quotations.
- Do negotiation.
- Close the deal.
Every business has their own type of customer journey which business needs to list and set up a digital platform to track their customer journey and take the right step at the right time
Right Communication Template –
Communication templates are the most effective resource for business. No matter which channel you are using for communication, it’s email or it’s phone call or message.If you are not able to understand customer’s psychology and handle objections properly. Sales will not take place.
To handle it better you need to list down customer questions, emotions related to product and service and script the best possible reply for them using digital templates.
For example – if any customer visited your site and left after looking at some products. Next time you can show the same customer similar products on visits or through automated email.
If customer did not take interest you can drop some good suggested products based on similar customer profile, age, sex, and location.
You can educate customers how these products helped similar customers. which can help customers to make the decision of buying.
If your business communicates with customers on the phone, you can design the right script using the Knowledge Base articles which your salesperson should go to every week to learn better ways to communicate with customers and be able to drive them in the right direction in the sales process.
Customer Experience –
Nowadays Customer Experience is a key factor, right from your website’s landing page to lead generation. Sales process should be seamless. Customers should not face any problem in accessing your products and services. It should be available in one click and at first look best on the customer profile. The best example is Amazon.
Also your business should open for queries and support right from start so you can clear doubts before they become your customers.
The common mistake every business does, is they try to provide more and more information about their business. In this process they forget about what the customer is looking for and this is annoying practice in the digital world.
Because communication is easy, don’t spoil it, try to utilize it in the best possible way. Right information at the right time on customer needs, desires and problems with least efforts by customer.
Right Execution –
Even though you outlized customer journey and documented sales script and automated email template for every step of customer journey and also developed the best UX process for customers. But if you don’t set up an automated process which can execute the complete process in the most effective way you are not going to make it as powerful as it can be.
Setting up the right automation tools and integrating it into a dashboard so sales executives can make fast decisions instead of searching for the right data.
All your automation software should be integrated into one place and give your business the best overview of processes and conversation.
And for best execution, you need the following things :
- Best team with the right communication and decision-making skills which you can set up by setting up roles of sales team members and giving the right script to practice.
- Best available automation tools which can execute steps of automation and give your team the best insights.
Conclusion –
As a business if you’re struggling to generate more sales, you need to set up the right process and automate using the best available software’s and tools because system work people fail.
Using Sales Automation tools like Dynamics 365 Sales you can create a very powerful sales process and customer journey, scripting template and automated emails. Which helps businesses to understand the customer’s stage in the sale process and provide the right information.