Types of Security:
1. Role Based: Focuses on grouping a set of privileges together that describe the responsibilities (or tasks that can be performed) for a user. Types of security roles are:
a. Global: Global gives a user access to all records in the organization.
b. Deep: Deep gives a user access to records in the user’s business unit and all business units subordinate to the user’s business unit/
c. Local: Local gives a user access to records in the user’s business unit.
d. Basic: Basic gives a user access to records that the user owns, objects that are shared with the user, and objects that are shared with a team that the user is a member of.

Global refers to organizational access level, deep refers to parent: child business units access level, local refers to business unit access level and basic refers to user access level. None specifies that no access is allowed.
2. Record Based: Focuses on access rights to specific records. Access rights can be:

a. Create: Required to make a new record.
b. Read: Required to open a record to view the contents.
c. Write: Required to make changes to a record.
d. Delete: Required to permanently remove a record.
e. Append: Required to associate a record with the current record.
f. Assign: Required to give ownership of a record to another user.
g. Share: Required to give access to a record to another user while keeping your own access.
3. Field Based: Restricts access to specific high business impact fields in an entity only to specified users or teams. Field level security can be used when certain fields associated with an entity that contain data that are more sensitive than the other

4. Hierarchy Security:
The hierarchy security model is an extension to the existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 security models and offers a more granular access to records for an organization. There are two types of security models in hierarchical security manager hierarchy which is based on the management chain or direct reporting structure and position hierarchy in which an admin will define various job positions and arrange them in position hierarchy.